2024 Calendar Submissions


Did you ever wonder who purloined your roast beef sandwich? Who unmade the bed? Why aren’t my belongings where I left them? How did that roll of paper towels get shredded? Who dug a hole in the backyard?

Well, the KSRF Calendar Committee can help to answer those questions. If these things happen in your home, you are living with a Keeshond Prankster! Earlier this year, the 2024 KSRF Calendar Committee put out a “BE ON THE LOOKOUT” for some of the wiliest, most mischievous Keeshonden that have been guilty of pulling off a few Keeshond Capers. We rounded up quite a few, and we realize there are still more pranksters running amok; there may even be one or two in your household! We are sharing with you the ones who were “caught in the act” of performing a few dastardly deeds and captured them for our 2024 KSRF Keeshond Capers Fundraising Calendar. Yet somehow, as we looked into their bright, clear eyes and those fuzzy faces, we found ourselves smiling, even as we were scolding them for their actions. We think you will too!

We are introducing those Kees who are on our Most Wanted List for their wayward actions - because you turned them into us! These are the Kees of the 2024 KSRF Keeshond Capers Fundraiser Calendar:

Now, these are not the only dogs we apprehended; several other Keeshonden have been equally guilty of a few adorable yet still naughty misdeeds. We introduce to you our HONORABLE MENTIONS:

The committee would like to also share someone who has been caught performing “Good Deeds” for the Keeshond Community. The 2024 KSRF Rescuer of the Year is Marta’s Legacy’s own DEBBIE SMITH. Congratulations, and Thank You, Debbie! You are a true Rescue Rockstar!

Watch for more announcements regarding the 2024 KSRF Keeshond Capers Fundraiser Calendar. WARNING: these Kees might just steal your heart, and they have been begging for an “early release” from the doghouse. Because they are so darn charming, we just had to abide. Our PRE-SALES for 2024 calendars will begin soon, and you do not want to miss out on absconding away with one of our limited-edition calendars. We expect release this year to be in September.

Congratulations to all the Calendar Dogs and Honorable Mentions!

2024 Calendar Submission Forms

2024 KSRF Calendar Memorial Submission Form

*Memorial Submissions for this year's calendar will close August 21st!

Examples from last years calendar